The buildings are taking shape and inside framing has begun in the new admin suite. Watch 1 month of construction in less than 3 minutes!
The steel has found its place on our campus, like a massive Tinker Toy experiment, but bigger and more permanent. Today, we were excited to see the pieces for the roof of the new construction arrive. Something about a ceiling just makes the whole thing seem real! The concrete is poured for the new foundations that will become the administration wing off of Ellis Hall, and the faculty and admin offices for Willis Hall. Next up: framing!
These may not be the most exciting additions to Willis Hall, but they're just as important. These "little things" are big accomplishments for those familiar with the "challenges" of Willis Hall, like a leaky roof (no more!), bad HVAC (we have new closets to make room for the new system!) and aging electrical (brand-spanking-new!). Yes, we're kind of giddy about these hidden gems. After all, on a rainy day like today, that new roof makes a BIG difference!
The fill has been delivered and is now being evened out between Willis and Ellis Halls. We've also removed the landscaping on the side of Old Slack to allow for the infrastructure that needs to be placed underground for the new buildings. The Betty Branch sculpture is being stored safely while the work continues. Move the 360-degree photos to take a look around!
Happy Summer!
If you haven't been on campus lately you would be surprised to see all that's happened in the last 3 weeks:
Over the next several weeks you will see work progress in the following areas:
Director of Operations Owner's Representative |
Our ProgressThis campaign is a campaign of joy. We look forward to sharing wonderful news as we collect momentum towards our goal. Check back often and join the excitement. Archives
April 2021